The Best Way to Clean Walls with Paint or Wallpaper

It’s time to clean the walls. Maybe you’re about to paint or install new wallpaper, but one thing is for sure: you need your walls squeaky clean before you start this project. But how do you get them that way?

A lot of people don’t think about cleaning the walls in their house, but it’s actually a really essential thing to do as a clean wall allows you to have a fresh room or be able to work in a clean slate for better application for any new paint or wallpaper.

However, cleaning walls with paint or wallpaper can be a headache. You have to find a way to get the dirt off of the wall without damaging it, and then you have to apply a special cleaner afterward. But there is an easier way! We’ll show you methods for cleaning your walls with paint or wallpaper!


Cleaning Walls with Paint or Wallpaper

1. Ready your materials

The best thing about cleaning your walls is that it doesn’t require any special cleaning solution to do it. All the materials you’ll need can easily be found in your household or be purchased in a local store.

BTW, if you are interested in topics like this, read this article.

Make sure to avoid anything abrasive or ammonia-based as this can damage your walls. Just keep it simple! Below are some items you’ll need:

  • Stain remover
  • Vacuum with a dust brush attachment
  • Baking soda
  • Foam craft brush
  • Hydrogen peroxide
  • Liquid hand or dish soap
  • Water
  • Soft cloths or rags
  • Tack cloth
  • Two buckets


2. Cover your floor

Before you start, it is essential to cover your floors with plastic sheeting or drop cloths. This is very important because it keeps any excess dirt, dust, or paint droppings from landing on your floors and ruining them while you work. Also, anytime you are working with a power washer, water needs to be contained so that it doesn’t get all over the place!

3. Remove the Dust

The next step is to give your walls a good dusting. To do this, you can use a dust brush or a vacuum to remove any accumulated dust. Then, wipe it with a foam craft brush or a soft cloth to wipe away any remaining dust from the baseboards and molding.

You can also use a clean rag wrapped in a dry mop head to dust from top to bottom to ensure that the areas that are hard to reach are dusted as well as prevent the walls from being scratched. 


4. Make Soap-water solution

Once all the dust is clear from your walls, it’s now time to wash it. First, create a soap water solution by mixing 1 gallon of warm water and clear dish or liquid soap in one large bucket. Then soak a cloth which will be used later on. 


5. Do a Patch Test

Whatever detergent using, make sure to always do a patch test before using it as a cleaning agent. Doing a patch test prevents your wall from getting damaged from the soap that you’ll use. Also, Wallpaper and matte paint are far more delicate compared to glossy paint so doing this is great to avoid any issues or problems


6. Use circular motions

Now it is time to wash them. Start at the top of one wall and work your way down in circular motions, making sure that you are using as little moisture as possible so as not to damage the paint or wallpaper on these surfaces as it can create bubbling or watermarks. 


  1. Remove Stubborn stains


The most effective way to remove stubborn stains is by using baking soda and a sponge. This method works best on surfaces that have stains and marks that won’t come off easily with other methods. 


To do this, mix a  few tablespoons of baking soda and water into a paste and then apply it to the stain. Let is sit for five minutes, and then scrub at the spot with your sponge until as much as possible has been removed from the wall.


  1. Rinse and Dry


Once you have washed the wall, make sure to rinse it completely and dry it. Use a cloth soak in water, wrung it, and then gently wipe to rinse away the soap. Once you’re done let it thoroughly dry by wiping it with a clean, dry cloth.